Friday, March 23, 2012

Treatments of Endometriosis

Okay so I am bored with blogging about endometriosis which means if I am bored other people were bored yesterday! So today I am wrapping it up in a pretty bow.

Treatments-really there are no real solid treatments that help. The most common treatment is the prescription of NSAIDs like Ibuprofen to help with the pain of endometriosis. I take 3 Ibuprofen 3-4 times a day for the first 2-3 days of my period. It helps a lot especially when combined with a hot pad and curling up in a tight ball! I’m obviously no doctor, but it has really helped me.

Both my OBGYN and Fertility doctor say that the very best treatment is pregnancy. If a woman does not want to be pregnant a lot of times doctors will put patients of meds to simulate pregnancy. Meds such as birth control or injections and hormones like progesterone and estrogen.

Because endometriosis causes scarring with each period it is common for doctors to have patients skip periods for extended time. For example be on birth control for 6 months then have a period and go back on for another 6 months.  Doctors can also prescribe a drug that has a weird name, but the abbreviation is GnRH and it suppress estrogen production and stops the secretion of other hormones thus mimicking menopause and a woman’s menstration stops.  Seriously who would want menopausal symptoms in their 20’s? just asking…

There are several surgical options as well. Laparoscopy is done using a laser to remove scarring. I have had laparoscopy surgery done. There is some pretty cool technology out there today. Mine was done using a robotic laparoscopy. Some people even go the extremes of having their ovaries and uterus removed to stop the pain. When I was first diagnosed I was reading online and found a 27 year old woman who had done that. The bad thing with endometriosis is if you do not get all of it removed you will stay have pain. This is what happened to that 27 year old. She still experiences the pain of endometriosis because not all of it was taken out.

robotic laparoscopy.

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